By Mayhah Suri
Farmers Learn New Techniques at Catoctin Mountain Orchard At the Maryland State Horticultural Society 2016 Summer Tour Bob Black gave area farmers a tour of how he uses innovative practices to grow apple trees and control for stink bugs at his orchard outside of Thurmont. To read the full story click here: Another Reason To Buy Directly From Farmers: You Could Help the Local Economy A new study from UC Davis took a look at the way buying directly from farmers affects the economy in the Sacramento, California, area—which is only 4 percent of Sacramento’s total agricultural business. It’s a complicated question, but the conclusion is decisive: Buying directly from farmers has a disproportionately large impact on the local economy. To read the story in its entirety go here: Reminder: Crop Insurance Sales Closing Date is August 1 Reminder to all fall-seeded crop growers that the crop insurance sales closing date is August 1. See this press release from USDA, to determine final planting dates and links to help you find a crop insurance agent in your area,
Updated Organic Crop Insurance Publication Available The Risk Management Agency (RMA) has been working to improve the federal crop insurance program to work for organic growers. RMA in 2016 and in 2017 will increase the number of organic crops covered under the program. To assist producers in understanding how crop insurance works for organic growers, Paul Goeringer and Howard Leathers have published an overview to help organic producers understand these changes. The publication is available at
Updated Crop Insurance for Maryland Field Crops and Livestock Released Many producers may not understand how the crop insurance program works, typical claims, and the types of commodities covered. To assist producers in understanding many of the basics related to crop insurance, Jay Harper, Penn State University, and Paul Goeringer have updated a popular crop insurance publication, Crop Insurance for Maryland Field Crops and Livestock. To view the publication, see
Judge Rules Agency Can Set Limits on Dairy Expansion A Wisconsin judge has ruled that the state’s Department of Natural Resources cannot retract a fine over environmental issues when a large dairy farm expanded. The case dates back to 2012 when the dairy sought permission to expand, the agency allowing expansion with limitations, the dairy appealed, but expansion was denied on appeal. Later the agency asked the state’s Department of Justice if they had the authority under the law to set limitations on the expansion. Justice concluded the agency did not and that was the decision ultimately decided this week. This will be an interesting case to follow. You can read more about it here
Reminder MPP Signup Ends on Sept. 1 For those dairy producers who have not enrolled yet in MPP and are not participating in the Livestock Gross Margin Dairy program from RMA, Sept. 1 is the date you need to enroll in Margin Protection Program with Farm Service Agency. Although, Sept. 1 is the deadline some members of Congress are pushing USDA to extend that signup period to December 31. To learn more about this and the MPP, click here
Save the Date- November 18th, Annapolis, Maryland- Second Annual Ag and Environmental Law Conference- more information to come!