Maryland Farming Success Online Course

Maryland Farming Success image including family, field, cow looking at camera, and corn cob. Images is by Edwin Remsberg
Under your existing crop insurance policy, the U.S Department of Agriculture (USDA) established the Risk Management Agency (RMA) to administer the Federal Crop Insurance Policy Program, providing risk management and financial loss protection for all eligible crop commodities on operations. In order to inform the traditionally underserved and socially disadvantaged audience of their options in USDA programs and risk management tools, the University of Maryland (UMD) is partnering with the Maryland Department of Agriculture (MDA) and USDA to create a 4 module online training course Maryland Farming Success !
Notable speakers instruct the course modules apart of the Farm Service Agency and the University of Maryland Extension to prepare course takers for successful participation in all USDA programs. Some of the topics include FSA Programs, Crop Insurance, Financial Skills, Legal Topics, Plan Development, and Risk Management Tools.
To register for this course:
Follow this link to Teachable to register for the course.
Thank you to USDA's Risk Management Agency. The course material is based upon work supported & funded in partnership by U.S. Department of Agriculture, Risk Management Agency, under award number RMA21CPT0011599