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Note: This website is intended to provide general information about legal issues, crop insurance, farm policy, and other risk management issues and should not be construed as providing legal advice. It should not be cited or relied upon as legal authority. For advice about how the issues discussed here might apply to your individual situation, you should consult an attorney.
Welcome to the Maryland Risk Management Education Blog, provided by the University of Maryland Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics. This blog provides readers with information on risk management issues important to Maryland agriculture, upcoming events, and new materials that may interest readers.

U.S. Allows Beneficial Ownership Interest Reporting To Continue, But Not So Fast My Friend

U.S. Supreme Court to Now Decide Fate of Beneficial Interest Reporting

Updated: Back in a Wait-and-See Mode With Recent Dicamba Ruling

Federal Court Grants Summary Judgment For Murphy-Brown in New Hog Farm Litigation

More Broiler Grower Settlement Forms Arriving to Mid-Atlantic Growers

Supreme Court Upholds Dismissal of Prop 12 Suit

Citizens’ Group Brings Action that USDA Violated Federal Law in Granting Loan Guarantees

Applicant’s Credibility is a Factor in Determining to Grant Permit For Livestock Facility Expansion

Supreme Court of Iowa Reverses Course on Right-to-Farm Rulings

Interpreting Conservation Easements and When New Structures are Allowed

Recent Wind Farm Decision Highlights Difference in State Processes

Meat Labeling Laws: What's in a Name?

Understanding What an Easement by Necessity Is and When One Is Created

Ninth Circuit Rules in Favor of Beef Checkoff Program

Group Does Not Have Standing to Challenge USDA Loan Guarantee for Poultry Farm

Federal Judge Allows New Lawsuit to Continue Against Smithfield and Murphy-Brown

Maryland Circuit Court Judge Reverses Final Maryland AFO Permit

Maryland Court of Appeals Finds Farm Manager is not a Joint Employee of Poultry Integrator

Appeals Court Remands Enlist Duo Registration to EPA But Does Not Vacate