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Note: This website is intended to provide general information about legal issues, crop insurance, farm policy, and other risk management issues and should not be construed as providing legal advice. It should not be cited or relied upon as legal authority. For advice about how the issues discussed here might apply to your individual situation, you should consult an attorney.
Welcome to the Maryland Risk Management Education Blog, provided by the University of Maryland Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics. This blog provides readers with information on risk management issues important to Maryland agriculture, upcoming events, and new materials that may interest readers.

Workshops on How to Draft Your Farm Lease to Incorporate Conservation

Recent FDA Guidance on FSMA Produce Safety Rule and Preventive Controls Rule

A Class Action Lawsuit Over Carnitas- Schneider, et al v. Chipotle Mexican Grill, Inc.

Federal Court Agrees that Environmental Plaintiff Has Standing to Challenge USDA Loan Guarantee

Maryland’s Expanded “Move Over” Traffic Law

Maryland Court Upholds the 2014 CAFO Permit for Complying With EPA’s Requirements

What Does it Mean to Indemnify, Hold Harmless and Defend?

The WOTUS Rule Applies in Maryland

EPA Says Farms Don’t Need to Report Air Emissions from Animal Waste Under CERCLA or EPCRA

A Soil Conservation and Water Quality Plan- Why Not Have One?

USDA’s NRCS Releases Its Chesapeake Bay Watershed Action Plan

Applying Manure and the Food Safety Modernization Act

Not Sure Where To Start With FSMA Compliance? Have You Tested Your Water?

Court Decision Splitting Up Family Farm Reversed: When Farm Succession Planning Fails

What Do Produce Suppliers Give Up When They Waive Their PACA Trust Rights?

Industrial Hemp Remains Illegal to Cultivate In Maryland Until Final Regulations and Research

Concerned About Complying with FSMA? Schedule a Readiness Review

Negligent Entrustment Liability for Farm Employers

Delaware’s Right-to-Farm Law