By Sarah Everhart
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I have posted many times in the last two years about the Organic Livestock and Poultry Practices (OLPP) rule. To learn more about the rule check out my last post. In a nutshell, the OLPP rule was created by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) during the Obama Administration to amend the organic livestock and poultry production requirements in the USDA organic regulations by adding new provisions for livestock handling and transport for slaughter and avian living conditions; and to expand and clarify existing requirements covering livestock care and production practices and living conditions.
Since the Trump Administration has taken office the enactment of the OLPP rule has been continually delayed. Many have speculated about the future of the OLPP rule and the Organic Trade Administration has even filed a lawsuit over the failure of the USDA to enact the rule.
On December 18, 2017 the Agricultural Marketing Service of the USDA published in the Federal Register its intention to withdraw the OLPP rule. If you wish to submit a comment on the withdrawal of the OLPP Rule here are instructions for submitting comments. Comments must be submitted on or before January 18, 2018.