By Paul Goeringer and Howard Leathers
Howard Leathers and Paul Goeringer, both with the Maryland Crop Insurance Education Program, have recently completed two new short publications over the 2014 Farm Bill. The first publication provides estimates of 2014 crop year payments for the Agricultural Risk Coverage – County Option (ARC-Co). USDA recently released data that helps us in estimating potential ARC-CO payments. The publication provides an ARC estimate payment per county and for corn, wheat, soybeans, and barley for the 2014 crop year. The publication, Estimated Payments Under the 2014 County Agricultural Risk Coverage Program in Maryland, is available on the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics’ Crop Insurance page under the 2014 Farm Bill.
The second publication, Commodity Program Choices by Maryland Farmers under the 2014 Farm Bill, provides a quick overview of which 2014 Farm Bill programs that Maryland producers signed up for by crop. The majority of producers selected the ARC-Co option, but some producers did pick the Price Loss Coverage (PLC). This publication is also available on the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics’ Crop Insurance page under the 2014 Farm Bill.