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Upcoming Grain Marketing Virtual Workshop and Custom Rate Survey

Press Release

Cover crop planting on the Eastern Shore by Edwin Remsberg
Cover crop planting on the Eastern Shore by Edwin Remsberg

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We are happy to inform readers about an upcoming virtual workshop and custom rate survey currently open. Please consider registering for either one.

Grain Marketing Update

Grain Marketing Update - Friday, January 6, 2023, from 9:00 am-11:00 am. This will be a virtual meeting, including speakers on various topics in grain marketing. Topics include local and national grain outlook for 2023, tax considerations, crop insurance, agricultural law, and crop budgets.

2023 Custom Rate Survey Open Maryland and Delaware extension services will collect custom survey rates this fall. We need your assistance securing up-to-date information about Maryland's farm custom work rates, machinery rental rates, and hired labor costs. Custom rates are used widely by farmers across the states, so we need the best information available. Please respond even if you know only a few rates. We want information on actual rates, either what you PAID TO HIRE work or what you CHARGED TO PERFORM custom work. Custom Rates should include all ownership costs of the implement & tractor (if needed), operator labor, fuel, and lube. Reported rates will be summarized in the Custom Rate Survey to show a range and averages for the states. NO individual names or rates will be published in the Custom Rate Survey. The results will be available at local Extension Offices and online at We hope this publication will benefit you as a custom farm operator, and thank you for cooperating with this effort. The survey can be completed online at:, or to get a blank survey, call the Talbot County Extension office at 410-822-1244. Please complete the survey by December 31, 2022.



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