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ABA Top Blawg Nomination Time

Updated: Jul 7, 2020

Image of woman giving a presenation on 2014 Farm Bill (Photo by Edwin Remsberg)

Ordinarily, I’m against shameless begging, but I will make an exception in this case. It is that time of the year when the American Bar Association is looking for blogs to be nominated for top 100 legal blogs (called the ABA’s Top Blawgs). A function on this site is to provide legal information, as well as developments in farm bill programs and crop insurance and other risk management issues that impact Maryland agriculture. You can nominate this blog at

Last year, my friend and colleague Tiffany Lashmet at Texas A&M had the only blog focused on agricultural law to make the Top 100 Blawgs. I want to see the list include more ag law blogs this year!*

If you have not done so previously, you can check out Tiffany’s blog, Teas Agriculture Law Blog, Cari Rincker’s blog (Cari is an ag and food law attorney practicing in NYC), Todd Janzen’s ag law blog (Todd is an ag attorney in Indianapolis and he often discusses legal issues related to new technology in agriculture, ie drones and data ownership), and John Dillard’s Virginia Ag Law blog (John is an ag attorney in Washington DC). If you like those blogs nominate them as well.

*Plus if we get the honor, I have to figure out how to put the fancy “ABA Blawg Nominee” badge up on the site and I have a feeling that will be fun to figure out how to do.

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